Road to greatness

Poem The distractions that envelop us are on the rise, Like lab mice, we feel trapped in a maze of incessant noise, A deluge of publications flood our senses, Creating illusions, veiling truths, stifling our defenses. But amidst this chaos, do not let others dictate your course, For humans are not mere automatons, programmed to endorse. We are not clones, shackled by limitations, We are beings imbued with extraordinary inclinations. ...

April 1, 2024 · 1 min · Curiosity432

What is the truth?

What is the truth? A Pa and a Jo talking. Jo - If there are only 100 people in the world and they all think alike, that is, there is only one opinion, does that mean that there is only one truth, that there are more and they don’t know them or that they are wrong and don’t know it? Is truth a matter of being, exernal or the idea of a group of individuals? Is truth what is established, what is said, what is invented, what is created, what exists or what is? ...

January 8, 2022 · 7 min · Curiosity432

The importance of things

The importance of things has nothing to do with form or content, nor with the material world around us. It doesn’t matter if the universe is infinite, flat, curved or spherical. The importance is the love you have for something, the value you place on it, the appreciation you have for it. The opinion that someone has about who created us, how the world was created, what we are, has no value if we don’t give it to them. ...

December 21, 2021 · 2 min · Curiosity432

Curiosity432 meaning

Name Curiosity432 is not a random name, it comes from the combination of Curiosity + 432, however it has a why and a much deeper meaning behind it. I’ll explain it below. Curiosity Curiosity’_ (curiosity in English), is that fact that drives us all to learn, to want to know more, it is the engine of knowledge and the advancement of society. It is that natural stimulus that incites us to investigate, to try to understand the basic questions of philosophy, which are those that science tries to answer with arguments and demonstrations. ...

October 12, 2021 · 5 min · Curiosity432