
Curiosity432 is not a random name, it comes from the combination of Curiosity + 432, however it has a why and a much deeper meaning behind it. I’ll explain it below.


Curiosity’_ (curiosity in English), is that fact that drives us all to learn, to want to know more, it is the engine of knowledge and the advancement of society. It is that natural stimulus that incites us to investigate, to try to understand the basic questions of philosophy, which are those that science tries to answer with arguments and demonstrations.

Without curiosity there would be no learning and this would be boring, tiresome and tiresome, it would basically become an obligation and not a fact chosen by us with freedom of decision.

Curiosity is the desire to learn and explore the unknown, it is the need to satisfy your mind or body in order to experiment or feel, to better understand the nature of reality.



The number 432 is not just a number with three digits followed in descending order one by one. It stands out for being considered an angelic number as a divine message and at a frequential level it has a lot of importance.

Physically it is true that at the frequency of 432 Hz in water molecules vibrate forming a very stable three-dimensional geometric structure, maintaining a symmetry and harmony in its pulse. Water is a very important substance, it is essential for life and is abundantly present in all carbon systems, i.e. in living beings and organic matter. The human being is composed of more than 60% water, which is a resonant frequency with humans. These vibrations reach their highest geometric stability at 432 Hz and in their consecutive tones.

In the past, instrument tunings used as reference note different values such as 415 Hz, 427-430 Hz, 435 Hz (most used), 466 Hz. However, finally in 1953 the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) finally assigned 440 Hz as the standard, some say promoted by the Nazi government of Germany. The characteristic of 440 Hz is that the notes in this tuning sound louder and there are fewer harmonics between them due to their lower resonance. While at 432 Hz, unlike the previous one, the tones are mostly whole cycles (without decimal part, e.g.: 222.73 Hz) and their related tones are much more geometrically stable sounds in an aqueous medium and consequently in living beings. It should be noted that the reference note to establish the tuning of the instruments is the $La_4$ of the piano, $A_4$ in English notation.

In the case of the name C432 (abbreviated Curiosity432) symbolizes C (Do) at 432 Hz, i.e. a tuning with reference note C4 A4.

Video of water vibrating at 432 Hz generated by a bass synthesizer.


  • It is an even integer, positive.
  • Its product is formed by: $432 = 2^4 × 3^3 = 4^2 × 3^3 = 16 × 27$.
  • List of divisors (20): 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 16, 18, 24, 27, 36, 36, 48, 54, 54, 72, 108, 144, 216, 432.
  • Sum of four consecutive primes (103 + 107 + 109 + 113).
  • 432! first factorial that is not a Harshad number in base 10.
  • 432 is also the set three-dozens of a dozen, which makes it three gross.
  • An equilateral triangle of equal area and perimeter has an area (and perimeter) of $\sqrt {432}$ units.
  • Expression according to the number base:
    • In Roman numerals: CDXXXII
    • In binary: 110110000
    • In ternary: 121000
    • In quaternary: 12300
    • In quinary: 3212
    • In base six: 2000
    • In base seven: 1003
    • In octal: 660
    • In base nine: 1345
    • In base ten: 432
    • In base eleven: 363
    • In base twelve: 300
    • In hexadecimal: 1B0
    • In base twenty-two: JE
    • In base thirty-three: D3
    • In base thirty-six: C0


Curiosity432 or C432 is the combination of both potent meanings, the curiosity along with the frequency of vibration at $432Hz$ most resonant with the self. And that is the purpose of this blog, to share that information that brings value and makes each of us grow introspectively as a Being through knowledge.


  • Hertz (Hz): cycles per second, i.e. the number of revolutions or repetitions per second of the pulse.
  • Second (s): comes from dividing the time it takes for the Sun to rise again from its position in the sky (one day), in two strips of 12 for the duality (day-night) and the meaning of twelve, making a total of 24 hours. The hours in turn are divided into bands of 60 minutes for each hour and 60 seconds for each minute. To establish a more precise definition of time, atomic clock oscillations are currently used, but its historical origin is attributed to Ancient Egypt.


The Curiosity432 logo is a combination of a dark blue sphere with twelve white dots above and twelve red dots below, a light blue ellipse in the middle, an orange circle vibrating at a frequency, an outline around the vibrating circle forming a C, the letters uriosity and the numbers 432.

Each of these geometric figures has a meaning of its own:

  • The dark blue sphere with the twenty-four points evenly distributed above and below represents heaven with the stars above and inferno with the magma below. It could be considered that there is no distinction between one and the other since as the phrase says as above so below.
  • The central ellipse in lighter blue represents water, specifically water at level.
  • The orange circle is a vibrating body representing the Sun, the vibration pattern corresponds to the typical one seen with harmonic frequencies on the surface of a fluid.
  • The blue outline of the orange circle refers to the C of Curiosity but can also be seen as part of the outline of the field generated by the Sun (body in constant vibration).
  • The numbers 432, refer to the above mentioned the most stable frequency of vibration of water.

This simple logo is intended to show a cosmological vision of our world and to express in a deep and powerful way the meaning of the channel.