Sphere vs. plane

In this article we will present in an organized way all types of arguments between the models proposed to describe the shape of the Earth, the spherical model and the flat circular model, in order to compare and try to find the model that best fits reality. From now on it will be cited as spherical or flat as appropriate.

Brief description (shape, rotation, sky)

  • Spherical: official version from the 15th to the 15th century. XV to s. XXI, planet inclined 23.4º with respect to the plane of the ecliptic. The Earth has its own rotational motion around the Sun as it moves in the Solar System (Heliocentric model), with the Moon in asynchronous motion rotating around it.
  • Flat: Flat round motionless round Earth. The Sun and Moon rotate at the top around the Earth (Geocentric model), forming the days and nights. Celestial Vault

Verifiable from Earth

  1. Magnetic field

    • Spherical: Circular from north pole to south pole, generated due to the inner core of the Earth.
    • Plane: Toroidal, lines from north to south and from south to north.
  2. Curvature of the Earth

    • Spherical: Curvature visible from 20 km. Ships, robots, probes have left the Earth and have photographed it. Astronauts and spacecraft have gone to the Moon. Space missions: ISS, Mars, probe lands on an asteroid (Rossetta), passed near Pluto.
    • Plane: No curvature, curvature calculations are flawed. Photos at 30 km altitude by independent projects show a flat circular horizon. Does not exist, fake videos. Flat horizon, no one has exceeded 200 km altitude, no photos from space. The whole model is a recreation of aerial photos. The plans of the longest bridges and canals in the world do not take into account this effect.
  3. Distance to the stars

    • Spherical: Stars in the sky look ‘chisporrotenates’ due to the atmosphere that deflects the light. The light allows to measure distances and to know the composition of the stars.
    • Plane: Observing the stars in the sky is like measuring a luminous object off the surface deep under water. And the fact that there are other spherical planets does not imply that the earth is spherical.
  4. Hemispheres

    • Spherical: Northern hemisphere: “upper” of the sphere, farthest from the Sun. Southern hemisphere: “lower” sphere, coldest area of the planet, located Antarctica.
    • Plane: Discrimination according to the lines of force of the magnetic field. There are no hemispheres but center and outside of the plane. Antarctica is the ice edge of the Earth’s circular plane. Antarctica has an average height of 3 km above sea level and the coldest temperatures on the planet. Nobody has crossed this frozen continent by any means, there are no photographs of aerial view, it does not belong to any country and since 1960 there is a treaty for the distribution of the area between countries and not allow the entrance to tourists.
  5. Horizon

    • Spherical: Curved horizon from 20 km. The ISS is at 400 km altitude orbiting the Earth. The satellites also orbit.
    • Flat: Images from aircraft at altitudes of 40 km show a flat horizon. NASA and other space agencies fake the videos or use fisheye effect to make the horizon curved. Flat horizon at any height and at the same position for the observer. The maximum distance to the horizon depends on air visibility and light refraction. It is possible to observe farther than the spherical model.
  6. Stations

    • Spherical: Due to the 23.4º tilt of the Earth and the inclination of the sun’s rays. Due to the position of the Sun.
    • Flat: There is no tilt, the angle formed on the normal for 23.4º is 66.6º, number of the devil chosen on purpose by the lodges.
  7. The Sun

    1. The Sun
      • Spherical: Star at the center of the Solar System, around which the rest of the planets revolve.
      • Plane: Ball illuminates in a toroidal field, it does not have a fixed position. Analemma: the curve (lemniscata) that describes the position of the Sun in the sky if it is observed every day of the year at the same time of day (time zone) and from the same place of observation.
    2. Sun’s rays
      • Spherical: As the light source is far away, the Sun is 150 million km away. The light rays are considered parallel.
      • Flat: Sun rays are not parallel, depending on the position of the observer. The Sun is much closer than the spherical model.
  8. The Moon

    1. Moon rotated 180º (according to position on planet)
      • Spherical: Depending on the observer in the hemisphere, it is rotated 180º.
      • Flat: From the center it looks one way and as you move away towards the edges the visible part of the atmospheric dome changes and the moon rotates.
    2. Moon - Sun
      • Spherical: The similar apparent size is a coincidence, the Sun is a star in the center separated at 150 000 000 Km while the Moon is a rocky satellite with craters at 330 00 Km.
      • Plane: Same apparent size, like a perfect duality between day and night. It is no coincidence, if it were an expanding and constantly moving universe the sky should have changed. The Moon has its own light, it is composed of Krypton plasma which is luminous due to the high voltage at that altitude.
  9. Motion of the planet in the system.

    • Heliocentrism: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune revolve around the Sun.
    • Geocentrism: Earth in the center, Sun and Moon revolving around it.
    1. Motion.

      • Spherical: The Earth has only one satellite, the Moon, which revolves around the Earth with asynchronous rotation (always shows the same face). The Earth revolves around the Sun (Heliocentrism), which revolves around the galaxy, which orbits around a cluster of galaxies of the Observable Universe in constant accelerated expansion caused by the Big Bang.
      • The Sun revolves around the Earth (Geocentrism), the Moon always shows the same face. The Moon always shows the same face because it has only one face and it has its own light since it has the Sun in front of it and can be seen in the sky.
    2. Rotation of the Earth

      • Spherical**: The Earth rotates around the Sun. The air rotates with the Earth at the same speed.
      • Flat**: The Earth does not rotate, if it rotated according to the data of 300 km/s the airplanes would notice the forces when moving from one point to another, and the times would differ. The difference between aircraft times lies in the route taken and the air currents.
    3. Star rotation

      • Spherical**: The explanation that stars rotate is due to the rotation of the Earth. The argument that the stars rotate in one direction in one hemisphere and in another direction in another hemisphere is not true, they rotate in both directions in the same ‘hemisphere’.
      • The different rotation is simply due to which way you look at it. You can observe rotations in both directions in the same place. If you rotate an axle with two wheels forward, the left wheel rotates clockwise and the right wheel rotates counterclockwise.

Data brought from outside the planet

Represents a minority of data, obtained thanks to space missions outside the Earth.

  1. Celestial objects

    1. Artificial
      • Spherical: satellites, Hubble, ISS. Satellites orbit around the Earth, ISS at 400 km altitude orbiting the Earth.
      • Flat: there are no “orbiting satellites” they are hot air balloons, drones, zepellin that circle the sky. 95% of internet communications are by submarine cables.
    2. Natural
      • Spherical**: celestial objects appear to be spherical.
      • Flat: Earth orbit: Moon missions: Apollo (NASA), Rocosmos (USSR). Missions to other planets: NASA and other countries’ missions are fake. Stars, galaxies, planets, black holes, comets, meteors. The celestial vault with constellations has not changed for millennia, the pattern has been repeated for as long as we know. If everything is in constant expansion, with rotations, including translations, why hasn’t it changed?
    3. Space missions
      • Spherical: Missions to the Moon: Apollo (NASA), Rocosmos (USSR). Missions to other planets: near Pluto, Rossetta comets.
      • Plane: NASA and other institutions falsify images by means of CGI. Photos of the Moon are flawed, shoeprint of the spacesuit does not match the footprint of the Moon. The astronauts, when asked if they had really gone to the Moon, did not swear before the Bible to tell the truth. There are videos of a spacecraft taking off from the Moon, who took it out. Videos with strange movements and falls against the supposed force of gravity 1/6 of that of the Earth. Rocks of the lunar background without curvature. They take cars to the Moon and play golf on Apollo XVII and 50 years later there is no technology to go.
  2. Physical theories involved

    1. Law of universal gravitation
      • Spherical**: Theory proposed by Isaac Newton to explain the behavior of celestial bodies. The 3-body problem is not stable and does not generate elliptical orbits. According to Newton himself, his theory needed divine adjustments from time to time to be fulfilled. The graviton is a hypothesized particle. The law of universal gravitation and Coulomb’s law (EM) have the same formula, changing the electron charge (q) by the charge of the electron (q).
  3. Physical theories involved

    1. Law of universal gravitation

      • Spherical: Theory advanced by Isaac Newton to explain the behavior of celestial bodies. The 3-body problem is not stable and does not generate elliptical orbits. According to Newton himself, his theory needed divine adjustments from time to time to be fulfilled. The graviton is a hypothesized particle. The law of universal gravitation and Coulomb’s law (EM) have the same formula changing the charge of the electron (q) by the mass of the object (m).
      • Flat: this law is applied for two bodies, The three-body problem was a very famous problem of the time and as a result of its study it has been found that it does not generate stable elliptical orbits. According to the official version applied to millions of masses since it would affect all bodies, and even in motion this calculus would be much more complicated. According to Isaac Newton himself: “This theory needs divine adjustment epontaneously to be fulfilled”, which implied a creator to be fulfilled and did not explain the motion of bodies completely. An invented law that does not explain the motion of the stars and needs multiple corrections. Newton was more of an occultist and alchemist than a physicist, he was later lauded by science, the Vatican and the English Jesuit movement. There is no empirical experiment that proves that masses are bound to each other at infinite distance. The graviton is a hypnotized particle, unlike the electron. The law of universal gravitation and Coulomb’s law (EM) have the same formula by changing the charge of the electron (q) by the mass of the object (m). With densities it is very easy to demonstrate the buoyancy of bodies, their falling and rising.
    2. General Relativity

      • Spherical**: Theory proposed by Albert Einstein, the speed limit in the universe is light in vacuum. For this limit to be met, space-time is modified in the motion of matter and waves close to the speed of light (c), at low speeds Newtonian dynamics is applied.
      • Flat**: convoluted to dwarf the human being, space-time becomes a two-dimensional dimension deformable by large masses and high velocities. It is called a theory but has not been demonstrated in any laboratory experiment.
    3. Coriolis effect

      • Spherical**: Effect by which bodies in a rotating system are deflected in one direction.
      • Flat: There is no such effect, snipers and engineers do not take it into account. The explanation for the rotation of cyclones in different directions is due to the current of the winds.
    4. Archimedes Principle: Archimedes Principle.

      • Spherical**: It is fulfilled but does not explain the weights of bodies and in space there is no medium without vacuum.
      • Flat**: Proposed by Archimedes in the 10th century BC. It explains why bodies rise or fall in the media as it depends on the density of the media. The buoyancy force is what makes bodies rise or fall. For example: a coin sinks in water, while a thin layer of ice floats. This is because the coin is denser than water, so it sinks (downward buoyancy) while a layer of ice floats because its density is less than that of water. Icebergs float only a small portion because their gemetrically distributed density is greater and most of the ice sinks.
  4. Vacuum or ether.

    • Spherical: Michelson’s experiment.
    • Planar: There is no vacuum, there is a medium. All the experiments that tried to prove the existence of a vacuum gave false results and were withdrawn because they did not prove a vacuum. This indicated that there must be a medium, through which light propagates, known as ether. According to the official model and the laws of thermodynamics it is impossible to sustain an atmosphere next to a pure vacuum because it would collapse the system under pressure. All the experiments made to try to demonstrate the vacuum and to remove the thought of the ether were false, that is to say, they demonstrated the existence of the ether.
  5. Center of the system

    • Spherical: Heliocentrism, Sun at the center of the planetary system with planets revolving around it.
    • Planar: Geocentrism, Earth at the center of the system, Sun and Moon revolve around it.
  6. System formation

    • Spherical: Big Bang, expansion beyond the speed of light. By gravity the planets take their shape and orbit.
    • An external creator from another higher dimension. Since it is a holographic reality.

In history

  1. Historically.

    • Spherical**: Lodges / Power groups: Jesuits, Freemasonry. Official model since the 16th century.
    • Planar**: Egyptian, Mayan, Babylonian. The Maya developed an eclipse calendar that even NASA uses.
  2. Institutions.

    • Spherical: Government agencies: NASA (USA), AJAX (Japan), Rocosmos (Russia), ESA (Europe), India (India), Space One (China), CSA (Canada).
    • Plana: Independent disseminators and small research groups. ELV, NAOV, Óliver Ibañez, Barea brothers, Nur for all. Space agencies look after their own interests, they lie to subjugate the people and to justify economic resources. They manipulate cognitive processes with propaganda and methods such as: negative priming, predictive programming and use CGI (Computer Generated Interface) to create the spherical model.
  3. Scientists

    • Spherical: Eratosthenes (it should not since the ancient Greeks defended a flat model). Jesuits: Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, William Hell, George Lamètre. Freemasons: Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan.
    • Plana: Aristotle, Plato, Nikola Tesla.
  4. Quotations in history.

    • Spherical: Established in science since the 17th century. XVII (inculcated from school).
    • Plana: Bible, Koran, Book of Enoch, Hebrew books, Sumerian texts, ancient texts.
  5. Simulations.

    • Spherical: Many simulations of a spherical version in documentaries, video games, movies, media, books. Large institutions, universities and companies are involved.
    • Flat: Fewer simulations of a flat version and all its points. The two most famous games are flat: Minecraft and Fortnite. Gleason map.


  1. Appearances.

    • Spherical: In advertisements, news, series, movies, textbooks, media, more strongly since the 15th century and especially in the 20th and 11th century.
    • Plan: UN symbol, map of Gleason’s Map.
  2. Considerations.

    • Spherical: A sphere is a finite object, with a known radius and size.
    • Plane: A plane but whose boundaries are not known and there is no aerial photograph of the whole. The maximum depth is not known either, since the deepest excavations are 15 Km and the wave effects do not reach very deep.
  3. Etymology.

    • Spherical:
      • Sphere: (Greek) σφαῖρα-sphaira, “globe, ball”.
      • Globe: global.
    • plane:
      • Plane: airplane, glider, planet, “plane”, earthly plane, sea as a plate.
      • Horizon (horizontal): “definite boundary” from Ancient Greek ὁρίζων (horízōn, “definite boundary”).
      • Dome: domotics, domain, dominate, “dome” (in English), “doom” (doom), in programming to isolate files is called “vault” (dome, dome).

Problems of each model

  • Spherical earth

    Why if spherical the constructions of long bridges do not curve the water? There is no well-done scientific experiment to support this.

    Why don’t the mechanical gyroscopes of transatlantic airplanes rotate their axis and stay fixed if it is a sphere, when they circle thousands of miles? Pilots recognize that the gyro is a mechanical device and the tilt should be sensed to correct the angle. In addition, airplanes have a slight upward nose tilt for lift and glide in the air.

    Why does the law of universal gravitation apply, if the 3-body problem does not form stable orbits and Newton recognized that it was useless, saying that it needed divine corrections? By separating the planets far enough apart you will find points of gravitational stability.

    Why helium (He) rises in the air, ice partially floats on water if gravity is interaction of masses attracting each other according to their value and distance? According to gravity it cannot be explained, according to hydrodynamics or thermodynamics it can, but then it contradicts the theory of gravity.

    Why don’t we notice the rotation of the Earth in the air, the birds, rockets, fall in the same place? There is no explanation, if it were moving it should be noticeable and not due to an effect of air currents.

    Why if the Earth rotates the flights do not accelerate or slow down according to the rotation of the Earth? There is no demonstration of why the acceleration of the spin is not noticed. It is explained with Foucalt’s pendulum.

    Why in the south the magnetism is less than in the north, if the nucleus is in the center? There is no explanation.

    How is an electromagnetic field with a core possible?

  • Flat Earth

    What is the Moon?

    What are the planets we observe?

    How was the Earth generated?

    When did life arise?

    How is the electromagnetic field generated?

    How do the Earth and the Moon orbit?

    How deep is the Earth? Excavation is unknown max. 15 km Tail well (Russia), waves give no information about the bottom of the Earth.

    What is beyond Antarctica? Unknown, it is assumed that Antarctica is the edge of the Earth, it is not known what material or if it can be crossed.

    Is the sky a spherical dome, hemispherical dome or space? Most believe it is a hemispherical dome that rotates.

    Are the Sun and Moon inside or outside the dome? The consensus is that they are inside the dome.

    Is it a hologram artificially created by other higher beings? This question complicates the issue and its answer does not solve how it was created, but that it was created.

    Does it connect with higher dimensions? Some say through the moon, through the astral world?

Irrefutable arguments

Both models defend things that exist but one tries to adapt the model to reality and others adapt reality to the model made which is more correct because otherwise you can prove anything as valid.

The magnetic field exists and points to a direction which we call north.

Matter falls and rises according to its density with respect to the medium, they tend to an equilibrium of densities. Density depends on mass and volume (d=m/V) and also on thermodynamic factors such as pressure, temperature, solubility of the medium that influence the volume.

There is no experiment that demonstrates the curvature of the Earth, only images from government space agencies (mostly NASA) and not photographs, there is only one considered as such and it is from Apollo XVII in which a realistic model was taken with a registered patent.

There is no experiment that demonstrates the rotation of the Earth, the Foucalt pendulum is useless, nor the Michelson-Morley experiment.

Geocentrism and Heliocentrism are models that visualize the same movements in spite of being different observers, it is possible to explain the movements of the stars in the sky from both models.

NASA has inconsistencies in its videos on the ISS such as pulling of ropes of devices in weightlessness, pulling of clothes, falling in weightlessness, people passing with wires in the background, frozen images of people in the scene. The atmosphere was shown differently at the beginning, the clouds were static, there were no night images (assuming orbit at high velocities in which it dawns 6 times in 24 hours). There are no videos of the cabin interior at liftoff, no transition of the spacecraft from base to orbit but a video cut. The stars in the orbit are sometimes shown and sometimes not regardless of the light entering the camera with the aperture.

Separate videos show a flat horizon at over 33 kilometers.

Questions and doubts

Why does the other model lie?

  • Spherical, terraplaners are wrong because they make up conspiracy theories, they have no empirical data.
  • Flat, the spherical model is told to change our idea of reality and dwarf us. So that we do not know where we live, to justify billions of money investments of space agencies and governments. To put fear in us and to control our souls even more.

How do they lie?

  • Spherical, terraplanists have no empirical data, so they create conspiracy theories. The spherical model is the true one because it is the official one backed by most scientists and no one has proven otherwise in any scientific journal.

  • Flat. The space institutions falsify most of its content, they have been doing it since the beginning of the space race. And the power groups have been doing it for thousands of years with world control. Videos have been faked since the 1960s, with Hollywood production. First the videos of space were not very credible, the earth did not rotate, the clouds did not move, there were no areas of twilight or shadow, the stars could not be seen, there were no areas of night. And as time has gone by and technology has improved, these errors have been corrected, although there are some that continue to appear bubbles in space, pulling ropes tied to strong astronauts in weightlessness, ropes that are seen when doing somersaults. All the missions that have gone out of the Earth are false, the ISS does not exist, it is a model in a studio, that is why it always looks the same, nobody has gone to the Moon. False theories: the Big Bang, gravity. They have all the means, they can censor, they have intelligence agencies.

    Criticisms according to the other model

  • According to those who defend the spherical model, the terraplanists do not have empirical data, nor are they scientists, so they create conspiracy theories. Their model has the majority of scientists, with videos recorded by space agencies and with theories exposed by renowned scientists.
  • According to terraplanism the space institutions falsify most of their content, they have been practicing it since thousands of years ago with the world control of ideas and with the space theme since the 60’s falsifying the space videos with the rise of Hollywood. First the space videos were not very credible, the earth did not rotate, the clouds did not move, there were no areas of twilight or shadow, the stars could not be seen, there were no night areas. And as time has gone by and technology has improved, these errors have been corrected, although there are some that still remain, such as bubbles in space, strong pulls of ropes tied to the astronauts in supposed weightlessness, ropes that are seen when doing somersaults. All the missions that have left the Earth are false, the ISS does not exist, it is a mock-up in a studio, that is why it always looks the same, nobody has gone to the Moon. False theories: the Big Bang, gravity. They have all the means, they can censor, they have Intelligence agencies.

Other proposed ways

  • Hollow Earth: the interior of the earth is hollow, the maximum depth is 12 km. According to the spherical model the interior of the earth is the volume that houses the Earth sphere, inside would be divided into layers and iron core that creates the magnetic field. According to the flat model the depth of the planet is not known.
  • Concave Earth**: the Earth is enclosed in a concave sphere with the sky inside and all the elements that make it up (Sun, Moon, stars ..).
  • Double toroid**: the earth is a double toroid (JAH, Valdeande Magico).
  • Icosahedron**: is the shape described by some for the planet seen from the outside.

Representation of each model

  • Spherical convex Earth Official model in force in 2021, Wikipedia version.

Figure 1 : Spherical Earth from the outside, according to NASA.

  • Spherical convex hollow Earth Hollow spherical convex Earth. The hollow Earth does not describe its external shape but its internal one. It postulates that there are large cavities in the interior of the Earth and that the Earth is mostly hollow.

  • Flat Earth The flat model considers the spherical earth to be a simulation and not a real picture. Note : The flat Earth cannot be photographed from above because it cannot be exited. The maximum altitude raised does not exceed 300 km according to this model, and is therefore a representation. Finally, the one with the most negative primacy**, is the flat Earth. There are hundreds of times where in the media a flat earth is shown or real facts are shown. By means of negative priming or other cognitive methods, a repulsive effect is achieved in situations where the truth is exposed.

Figure 2: Gleason map representing land surface and water level.

  • Toroidal earth Model atom side chains with vortices forming toroids, double toroids. Valdeande magic double toroid Earth

  • Concave earth The sky and stars are a ball in the center, the ground is the inner edge of the concave sphere. Figure 3 : Concave Earth

Aspects to take into account

  • The children As a fact, children who have not been educated in schools think that the Earth is flat, stationary and that the Sun revolves around it. However, the education model teaches them a contrary model considering their thinking as wrong and imposing a totally different model.

  • Fear of being wrong To doubt, to distrust, to think that we are wrong and that we have been deceived is hard. We have been educated all our lives in one way so you have to fight against your ego, against all your teachings to come up with an alternative opinion. A minority doubts and the majority that hears something out of line gets angry or laughs about it. It is more comfortable to think that you are right and that the power groups and scientific institutions do not deceive us.

  • Scientific method Neither model considers that it leaves aside science, both operate by telling the truth. However the two are not compatible and one of the two lies or tells the truth. However, the one who lies does not imply that everything he says is wrong and the one who tells the truth does not imply that everything is true. To demonstrate the shape of the planet, the scientific method must be used, but it must be well used, it must be empirical, there must be debate, it must operate for the good and it must not be used for the sake of the good, and it must not be used for the sake of the good. To demonstrate the shape of the planet, the scientific method must be used, but it must be well used, it must be empirical, there must be debate, it must operate for the Good and the knowledge must not be hidden. But science should not only focus on the rational, it must also take into account the soul aspect.

  • The process of changing established ideas / awakening is hard**. Letting go of all your preconceived ideas about a subject is very complicated, just the fact of doubting and asking yourself if it is correct is very hard. Getting out of your comfort zone and wondering if you might have been fooled is very shocking. But if you are a scientist or want to learn how the nature of reality works, you have to put aside your preconceived ideas and keep an open mind for any change that with enough arguments will shake the established theory. If after having carefully reviewed, listened to other opinions and researched the subject, you come to the conclusion that certain things were not true. Then you will be using a good method to understand reality, which is what science should pursue, not to impose pre-established ideas but to promote research and debate in whatever field. However, the flat model explains less behavior and leaves more uncertainty in some aspects such as the depth of the Earth, the length of the land beyond Antarctica, the maximum height that can be reached. A flat earth is not suistiutr only the shape of the earth, it implies changing the conceived model of what we have been told of the universe as a whole. The Earth in the center of the system, with the Sun and Moon rotating, following an orbit in the form of infinity; constellations, planets revolving around in a celestial vault. There is no vacuum on the outside, since it is thermodynamically impossible to sustain an atmosphere next to a pure vacuum. It is not known the shape below max excavation 12 km, nor in extension to the sides nobody has crossed the ice mirrors of Antarctica.

Predictive programming / negative priming

Finally the one with the most negative primacy is the flat Earth. There are hundreds of times where in the media a flat earth is shown or real facts are shown. By means of negative priming or other cognitive methods, a repulsive effect is achieved in situations where the truth is exposed.

**Negative priming is the slowing down in the classification or identification of previously presented stimuli in comparison with other similar stimuli that have not been presented. It consists of telling the truth between dramatic or comedic arguments to generate in your implicit memory a feeling of rejection towards the true information when it is explained to you.

Final reflection

Personal opinion

I have always liked to investigate, to know and to learn. I want to investigate from science and expose the results to tell the truth whatever it is, because the truth should not be hidden, should not be censored and we can all be wrong we just have to help each other and correct mistakes. What is not right is that they want to lie shamelessly to us whoever they are to justify their actions and say that they act for the good of humanity. The main problem is that we do not have enough time to consider what we have studied during school, university. And we are usually comfortable, trusting and do not think that we can be lied to at that level.

The thing is that no matter if you are a physicist, you can fall into the trap because you do not consider that it could be false, you assume it as a proven fact of the past. It is true that you cannot be suspicious of everything, because otherwise it would be a misery, but think that there are groups that operate for world control without looking after your interests. This does not imply that all the physics that is taught is false, but yes, if a fundamental law is not correct all the theories that are intertwined would need a correction. It seems that anyone who goes against what is established is a conspiracy theorist and wants to deceive when perhaps it is the other way around.

Last but not least we should not categorize ourselves into two groups, we should operate by what is verifiable, empirical, by the truth whatever it is. The elites want to categorize us, they do it in all the propaganda they sell, but we must respect each other as it is a matter that concerns us all and fight together leaving aside ideals, race, religion. We all come from the same source so we are all one.


There is the idea that the way you perceive reality depends on the frequency dimension in which you find yourself. And the issue that the receiver conditions the message, so according to this statement science could have a result that is conditioned by the subject. Or even more so, the subject could be suggestible and make him see reality in a different way, just by the fact of changing his thoughts since