Official version

In 2021 for the official science the Earth is a sphere that rotates and moves along with the Moon (only satellite) and with more planets all orbiting around the Sun forming the solar system. In addition this system rotates around a larger system within the Milky Way galaxy, which is located within a supercluster of galaxies, within an observable universe in constant accelerated expansion. This system is formed by the planets listed by their proximity to the Sun as: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

All this in a universe in accelerated expansion in which the galaxies are moving away from each other and this expansion occurs on a larger scale as you move away from the center, due to a big explosion called Big Bang. The planets and galaxies are grouped together due to the gravity that acts between masses with action to infinity so that their attraction decays according to the distance, also the version of relativity is that the large masses and speeds close to light deform the fourth physical dimension of space-time. And that the universe is made up of dark energy (74 %), dark matter (22 %) and (4 %) galactic interaction of gas, stars, matter, etc.

This phenomenon over millions of years originated by chance all that we know today. By means of the explosion of a pea, the whole vast universe was originated, and matter was created and ordered according to the gravitational action. The creation of life through the evolution of very simple living beings to more advanced living beings with intellectual capacity and consciousness.

From the Earth, the Moon, the only natural satellite with the same apparent size as the Sun in the sky, has an asynchronous rotation movement with the Earth, that is to say, it always shows the same face because it rotates and moves at the same speed. And we can see it thanks to the fact that it is illuminated by the Sun that is on the non-visible face of the planet Earth, on the illuminated face, making it grow or decrease in size based on the shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon.

The different seasons within the Earth are due to the tilt of the planet 23.4º on the plane of the ecliptic that makes the sun’s rays change their inclination, rotating at a speed of 1670 mph.

The Moon rotates at a speed of 1670 km / h on itself and 107 200 km / h around the Sun traveling an elliptical orbit around the Sun with its farthest point at 152 098 232 km away. In turn, the Moon rotates and moves through the Earth at a distance of 363 300 km, rotating and moving at the same speed with a period of 27 days (asynchronous rotation), 7 hours and 43.7 minutes. With a radius of 1737 km.

The radii are:

  • Sun: 695508 Km
  • Earth: 6371 Km
  • Moon: 1737 Km

Recreation of the motion of the Solar System as a whole:

The channel ToScale: made a video recreating the solar system to scale (heliocentric model) with the Sun the size of a 1.5 meter ball and the Earth a bowling pin like a fingernail. To scale the Earth was arranged at 176 meters, Mars at 269 meters and so on with the rest of the planets.

Between the Earth and the Sun fit 1 294 037 planets Earth.

History and change of conception

All ancient civilizations Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Babylonians, Hebrews, Berbers, Ancient Greeks considered the Earth to be a stationary plane in which the Sun, Moon, stars and wandering bodies revolved around the Earth, the Earth being the center of the system.

With the Sun and Moon in perfect duality and equal size in the sky. They took into account the effects of the stars on human beings and society with the study of astrology, which was linked to astronomy. They built great monuments geographically located in stratagic positions that still point to the same constellations and stars in the winter and summer solstices. And with a very high knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, physics to be carried out. Nowadays the pyramids of Egypt, Giza, Stonehenge are difficult constructions to build because of the great weight of the rocks. They are also very strong energetic centers.

In 1520, Nicolás Copernico, who belonged to the Jesuit order, with the support of the church, took the Earth out of the center and placed the Sun with all the planets revolving around it. Although it is said that he had the Catholic Church against him, it was not so. Later scientists such as Galileo Galilei did not suffer attacks from the Church, only a friend of the Pope who did not cause him any harm, all his studies were supported by the Vatican. And after several centuries this idea took hold and became official, astronomy was separated from astrology and the Jesuits regained control of the church that they had lost for some time. For this reason, scientists took their efforts to adapt the equations and explain the phenomena of the heavens for a spherical Earth, so the model was built by Nicolás Copernico, Galileo Galieo, William Hell, Isaac Newton, George Lametre, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkings.

The official model does not fit reality.

There is no simulation that reliably represents the rotations, translations, inclinations, movements of all the planets with their orbits using Newton’s gravity equations or those of general relativity, since gravity according to relativity is not considered a force but an interaction in matter modifying space-time.

Right now astronomy only tries to adapt the created historical model of a sphere, with historically manipulated data and space agencies that distribute false images made with CGI. But it does not consider analyzing the basic nature without the need to adapt something already existing, which could imply promoting a farce.

However if you live in a spherical model as described above you should notice and perceive the described effects of a giant rotating ball. If you live in a spherical model with radius 6371 km you have to assume that the surface of the continents and oceans are curved, in addition to rotation, translation and everything described above. It is also implied that your size in the universe is negligible, your creation a product of chance and evolution, and your space you occupy in the universe is not in doubt because it already has an “answer”.

Well, wherever you look independently without using external images (from space agencies or the media), that is to say all your own facts verifiable from Earth. You as a person with your senses or with measuring instruments will not find evidence of the existence of curvature on the Earth for the model described with the radius of 6371 km. And why there is no curvature? Because the verifiable facts prove it.

There are two ways to establish a model: to analyze nature and to obtain the result of experimentation or to deny a scientifically based assertion. Since we start from the premise that in reality two opposing truths cannot coexist, if subjectively in the minds of people but not in the objective reality theoretically independent of the observer, because otherwise it becomes more metaphysical and more conditioned by thought.

Well, let’s try to demonstrate the curvature of the Earth, which implies that the objects are hidden at a greater distance by the fall of the curvature itself. To do the calculation if you do not trust you can do it yourself by (the Pythagorean theorem, basic trigonometry, spherical trigonometry or with the change of curvature per unit for a perimeter of a circle), I did it too but I do not put it because otherwise it is very long. The website with the formulas (code on GitHub) and allows to calculate the height per angle of fall. You enter the distance data from your point of view to the observed place and as a result you get the depth or height that an object is hidden on the ball Earth. Here I leave a table with the distances and their corresponding height that is hidden:

According to the theory of the spherical Earth in the ocean should be curved waters, for an observer from sea level objects at 5 km distance with calm sea would be hidden 1.96 masl (meters above sea level) and more if we increase the distance.

However in practice this does not happen, from sea level we can observe the objects completely (from the base in the sea) for more than 30 kilometers, the maximum distance will depend on the visibility and our vision system (eye, camera, binoculars, telescope). Objects disappear on the horizon due to environmental visibility, perspective and optics (refraction of the medium and reflection). However, if the objects were seen by a refraction phenomenon, all the objects would have to be placed longitudinally at the correct height of the horizon without being cut off to be seen completely, and this has not been demonstrated to be true for the entire curvature of the horizon.

However in practice this does not happen, from sea level we can observe the objects completely (from the base in the sea) for more than 30 kilometers, the maximum distance will depend on the visibility and our vision system (eye, camera, binoculars, telescope). Objects disappear on the horizon due to environmental visibility, perspective and optics (refraction of the medium and reflection). However, if the objects were seen by a refraction phenomenon, all the objects would have to be placed longitudinally at the correct height of the horizon without being cut to be seen completely, and this has not been demonstrated and it is impossible that it is fulfilled in all the stretch of curvature from the observer to the object. Moreover, the Fata Morgana effect, a mirage in which the objects are superimposed inverted in a long way by a high thermal gradient, can only be demonstrated in the laboratory on a flat water surface.

The next argument is fluid dynamics, liquid water macroscopically without intervention of forces (external or internal) does not bend in a state of repose, and this is easily demonstrable and testable. Water levels water always levels in a plane, curved water at rest goes against hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics. Liquids but in particular water by its properties, is the greatest instrument for leveling a surface, that is, it remains flat to the surface independent of the shape of the container.

The way they have to explain it is with gravity but we are back to the same thing because helium rises, hot air rises and cold air falls in the atmosphere, ice floats on water. That is a fact but the way of explaining it may differ. What is observed is that bodies tend to equilibrium of densities within the medium. Everything in nature tends to equilibrium, it is a universal principle that energy tends towards thermodynamic or energetic equilibrium.

You must also assume if you defend the model that the Earth is in the purest absolute vacuum, through which light (photons) travels and at a temperature close to absolute zero (0 Kelvin), without any pressure, with zero gravity. None of these things is verifiable, the Michelson-Morley experiment was the one that disproved the existence of the medium ether that was believed to be outside the planet, but it requires relativity that has not been proven and is maintained as a hypothesis.

The spherical Earth with its atmosphere is in contact with the absolute vacuum of outer space, thermodynamically impossible for vacuum and pressure to coexist since the air of the Earth’s atmosphere would expand.

All planets, systems and galaxies are floating and are bound together by the action of gravity, in a constant fall in the vacuum that keeps them ‘floating’. The theory of universal gravitation is not able to demonstrate orbits for more than two bodies, the famous three-body problem that its result does not form stable orbits, imagine for millions of interacting bodies in an expanding universe. Boom!

So that it would be spherical and the calculations would have to be a much larger globe earth than stipulated, but if these data were altered to make it larger it would not fit with other statements of the solar system, the gravitational adjustments would vary and the masses of other planets would have to be corrected. The rotation speed would be different and that is why they cannot adjust the radii and velocities because they would have to change the rest. What they can change are the new distances or new data taken.

The independent videos (without manipulation and without fisheye lens camera) show a flat circular horizon in 360º. In this video that reaches up to 37 Km of latura is clearly observed an extension of flat land with a circular flat horizon, that is to say that at that height according to the ball earth would be more than visible.

As a curious fact the stars from 60 km altitude disappear and this is verifiable by observations of hot air balloons, so imagine the scam of satellites that photographed the galaxies, Hubble is an airplane with an integrated telescope and not a satellite orbiting.

The problem lies in…

The problem is to put the focus on a model and try to prove it at all costs, and if there is something that does not match, the previous data is modified to fit it or it is considered an exception, chance, randomness or it is not taken into account. And that is not valid to demonstrate a model, it is an erronous method and it is not scientific to adjust numbers to fit with reality.

First is to perceive reality and then create the model, not the other way around, it is a subjective method (of the subject) that tries to seek objectivity (of the object) because first you have to assume based on experimentation and observation and then check.

The model may have mathematical data that fit but that does not mean that it is reality. If three basic arguments are not provable it should already be considered wrong and checked again, however it seems that “modern” science is not willing to give up.

Then why do we continue to believe in something that cannot be demonstrated, for several points of view and very linked to the mind, specifically to the subconscious. Since childhood (at least since the twentieth century) we have all been educated with a model, rules, guidelines that tell us what is right and what is wrong as an argument of authority, whether parents, teachers, politicians, scientists and the media. Starting from this, the formation of our childhood defines our future, so if you promote an idea to people from childhood you will condition them regardless of whether it is good or bad. Now the media do the same, they use sophisticated manipulation techniques such as conditioning or predictive programming to predict your behavior, making use of the effect of mere exposure, latent inhibition, subliminal advertising and create a social pressure on the individual. How many times does a spherical earth appear in the media in a day? Well, the answer would be that it depends on the media you consume, but in the mass media it is repeated a lot, it appears in the news, programs, advertisements, movies, series, video games, textbooks, logos, etc. In case you forget the form, they are already there to repeat it. If something is true there is no need to repeat it because it is known, if it is repeated a lot or advertised a lot doubt its credibility because they will have some reason to promote it so much.

The trap experiments

To be able to carry out a model you need experimentation and the ephemeral model boasts of it but its validity is equal to zero, and it is not conclusive. List of experiments to try to prove the spherical earth with all its argumentation:

  • Cavendish experiment. To demonstrate gravity and measure the density of the Earth. They do not demonstrate that masses attract each other, it only works with two masses and claims to measure the density of a supposed ball of 6731 km radius. To explain gravity there is no consensus on how it is generated who produces it, it is explained that objects attract each other according to the mass of the bodies. But we have already seen with examples that this is not true and that it depends on the density.
  • Foucault’s pendulum. To demonstrate the rotation of the Earth. It is not useful because pendulums are not stable in their motion, they do not give information about the motion of the Earth. Also in solar eclipses its movement is completely straight.
  • Experiment of Heratosthenes. To demonstrate the sphericity of the planet Earth. It considers the parallel rays instead of radial. That is why in the model they have to move the Sun millions of kilometers away instead of placing them much closer.
  • Michelson-Morley experiment. To demonstrate that space is empty and there is no medium (the ether), all experiments failed and demonstrated the absence of vacuum, finally by the creation of relativity and the modification of space-time it was explainable. The problem lies in setting the objective of demonstrating the vacuum by conditioning a result and discarding all those that said the contrary and the invention of a theory that is completely theoretical.
  • Cosmic microwave background. To demonstrate the Big Bang, he uses a photo with electromagnetic radiation taken by an ESA satellite and thus explains the whole process of the Big Bang.